Tariffs Taxi To Philly Airport

Tariffs Taxi To Philly Airport
For Taxi to Philly Airport's fare structure, rest assured you'll find transparency and fair pricing:
Metered Rate:
- Commencing your journey with a flag drop or its fraction: $2.70
- Each additional 1/10 mile or its fraction: $0.23
- Waiting time of 37.6 seconds: $0.23
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Flat Rate Between Center City and the Airport:
- For a one-way trip from the Center City Zone to the Airport: A flat fee of $28.50, no matter the number of passengers.
- For a one-way trip from the Airport to the Center City Zone: A flat rate of $28.50 for the first passenger, with a $1 charge for each additional passenger above one, excluding children aged twelve and under.
Minimum Rate from the Airport:
- Any journey originating from the Philadelphia International Airport’s cabstand carries a minimum fare of $11.00, including the egress fee. If the fare exceeds $11.00, a $1.50 egress fee applies.
- Customers are responsible for roundtrip tolls. One-way tolls, like those to New Jersey, are applicable in both directions. Tolls charged in both directions, such as turnpike tolls, are doubled to cover the return trip.taxi cab service near me.
Airport Egress Fee:
- A $1.50 egress fee is added to all metered fares leaving the Philadelphia International Airport, except for flat-rate trips to the Center City Zone and metered trips charged the $11 minimum fare (egress fee already included). taxi cab service near me
- There is no additional charge for handling baggage or other items that can be safely accommodated in the vehicle.
Fuel Surcharge:
- Taxi to Philly Airport follows a fuel surcharge system, which adjusts monthly based on gas prices. For July 2023, the fuel surcharge stands at $1.00 per trip for taxicabs and $2.25 per passenger for Airport Transfer Services.
Kindly note that tips are not included in the fare, and all fares are per cab, not per person.
Flat Rate Zone:
This area encompasses the region between the Schuylkill and Delaware Rivers, extending from South Street in the south to Fairmount Avenue in the north. It includes the area west of the Schuylkill River to 38th Street, between JFK Boulevard around 30th Street Station (2900 Arch Street) to its intersection with 32nd and Market Street, and along a line west on Market to its intersection with 38th Street, south on 38th Street to its intersection with Spruce Street, and east on Spruce Street to its intersection with South Street